Sunday, May 3, 2020

Overnight oats - Bulking series

Because I read a post on how healthy oatmeal is, I did try it a few months ago, but didn't take.  However, now that I got almond milk, I think it is definitely tastier.  I did think about almond milk using too much water, but technically, so do cows. 
Also, last week I stopped doing intermittent fasting.  Basically, I would just skip breakfast and not eat until 12:30.  However, I want to try and gain weight to build muscle, see if I can do a lean bulk or "body recomposition" because I don't want to do the classic bulk and cut.  I'm no body builder, but I just want to get stronger.  My goal is to do a 50 lb weighted pull up.  Currently, I'm at 48 lbs. 
Anyways, I have also been using myfitnesspal to count calories, and I have been consistently over 2000 (3000 yesterday).  And now, I have had oatmeal 2 days in a row now this weekend for breakfast. :)

Original recipe referenced from

-1/2 cup rolled oats
-1/2 cup of milk
-1 tsp chia seeds
-frozen blueberries

Extra add ons: bananas, other fruit, peanut butter, nuts, vanilla extract
Hmm - try protein powder?
Hmm - try greek yogurt? (1/2 cup per recipe)

1. Add oats, milk, chia seeds, (yogurt) and stir
2. Refrigerate overnight or for at least 5 hours
3. Add the add-ons if needed

Will last for 4 days supposedly.


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Thai Green Curry

Recipe taken from --I wasn't sure because I messed with the amounts and order of things if it was going to turn out ok...