Sunday, May 3, 2020

Oven roasted chickpeas - Coronavirus Cooking Series

So, I have notoriously done a bad job at making oven roasted chickpeas.  Either burning them or not cooking them enough.  Last night was another attempt, but they were not crispy enough.

-1 can of chickpeas
-olive oil
-seasonings of your choice (Eric seasoned them last night)

1. Rinse chickpeas
2. Let them dry - so I had them on paper towel pretty much half a day
3. Coat well with olive oil (used  just the spray olive oil and shook them on the foil
4. Bake at 400 degrees for ______ min --> 15 min, then shake --> 10 min, then shake --> check every 2-3 min or so?

The time in the oven is what gets me.  Also, I semi-preheated the oven.  I ran it for at least 15 min, and then shook it, then probably another 5 min, then I turned off the oven (bad idea), kept checking every 2 min, put the oven back to 350 at some point  Probably added another 10 min after that.
NEXT TIME, after shaking at the 15 min mark, leave it in the oven for another 10 min, then check every 2 min or so?  Likely will need to be in oven for total 30 min.  Will have to update next time I make.

Have not made yet, but posting for future reference from

1. Heat air fryer to 390 F
2. Drain and rinse chickpeas (no need to dry).  Toss with olive oil and spices.
3. Dump in air fryer.  Cook for 12-15 min shaking a couple of times


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