Sunday, May 3, 2020

Gin Fizz Cocktail - Coronavirus Cooking Series

Saturday nights also means making new cocktails.  Last weekend, Eric made a super tasty Tequila Sage Smash.  Last night, I made a Gin Fizz Cocktail from because we got some monkfruit sweetener recently, and it was refreshing.

Ingredients (doubled for 2 drinks):
-2 oz gin extra dry (only had the strawberry rhubarb gin that Ian got us)
-1/2 oz lime juice (only had key limes and need to remember to use less)
-1 tsp monkfruit sweetener (1 packet)
-1 egg white (procure over a bowl first!)
-4 oz club soda

1. In a shaker, combine gin, lime juice, sweetener, and egg white.  Shake for 2 minutes, then pour into a chilled glass
2. Pour club soda into the glass directly down the middle until the foam reaches the top of the glass.
3. Garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy.

Ok, so I messed up a little while making.  I added ice to the shaker, which makes it very cold and I think difficult to take the top off.  So, no ice to shake next time.
Also, try getting egg white over a BOWL first and not the shaker because it is more difficult to do things if the yolk falls in the shaker. SMH.
So, it was tasty refreshing, but a little too limey in my opinion, so if using key limes, remember to add less.


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Thai Green Curry

Recipe taken from --I wasn't sure because I messed with the amounts and order of things if it was going to turn out ok...