Saturday, May 21, 2022

Oreogasm Poke Cake

Taken from
FAILURE. Eric said it was good, but he isn't a fan of chocolate cake base.
I thought it tasted good, but it's so unhealthy that it's not worth it if Eric doesn't really like. Ended up throwing it all away save 2 pieces.
I used a chop stick to poke small holes, but use something bigger and estimate how you're going to cut the cake and do one big hole for each piece.

-1 box chocolate cake mix, plus ingredients called for on box
-1.5 cup marshmallow crème - 2 bottles of the creme (each bottle 7 oz)
-1 tbsp water
1/2 cup finely ground Oreos
2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 cup crushed Oreos, divided (used a lot more to cover entire cake)
-6 Oreos, halved (didn't use)
-chocolate fudge sauce for garnish (didn't use)

1. Preheat oven to 350 and grease a 9 x 13 pan.  Prepare chocolate cake mix according to package directions and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 25 min
2. Poke cake all over with the bottom of a wooden spoon.
3. In a small bowl, microwave marshmallow crème and water, then stir until smooth
4. Stir in ground Oreos, then pour all over cake, making sure to fill the poked holes
5. Make frosting
--In a large bowl using a hand mixer, beat heavy cream, powdered sugar, and salt until medium peaks form
--Fold in 1/2 cup crushed Oreos
--Frost cake with the whipped cream
--Sprinkle with the rest of the crushed Oreos
--Top with halved Oreos and drizzle with chocolate sauce


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Thai Green Curry

Recipe taken from --I wasn't sure because I messed with the amounts and order of things if it was going to turn out ok...