Monday, March 4, 2024

Black Beans in Instant Pot

Used recipe from
Roughly 1 cup or half bag of beans to 3 cups of water. So if full bag or 2 cups, then 6 cups of water
Half a bag was too much too cook for 5 lunches, so would try 1/4 next time.
Still playing around with the times of cooking. Did 22 min cook time and a little firm, so would try 25 min next time.
If using in chili, would try soaking prior 8-24 hours beforehand.
*UPDATE* Black beans caused too much gas.  So recs online say to soak overnight and rinse thoroughly.

-8 oz black beans (half the bag) ~ 1 cup --> yielded about 465 grams of black beans
-3 cups of water
-spices of your choice: minced onion, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, serrano, salt, black pepper; could try real onion, real garlic, lime juice, bay leaf.  Skip the oregano because Eric sensitive to it.

1. Sort through beans and pick out rocks
2. Rinse beans
3. Add 3 cups of water to 1 cup of beans
4. Add spices
5. Cook 25 min + 20 min natural release
6. Drain again

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