Sunday, October 18, 2020

Pesto Pasta (variant of Scarlett's pasta)

So, I have been watching 'The Chef Show' and decided to use their Scarlett's pasta and apply it to pesto. Didn't add parmesan or parsley and instead added pesto.
*NOTE: tasted without adding pesto at the end, and I don't think it is flavorful enough with wheat pasta. It needs the pesto.  Also a note on pesto.  Can do 1 full frozen cup of pesto for just pasta, but if doing pasta + veggies, you need 2 frozen cups.

-Half a lemon
-fresh grated parmesan (omitted because used in pesto)
-2 Tbsp butter
-1 cup chopped Italian parsley (omitted because didn't have)
-1 pinch chili flakes
-3 cloves thin sliced fresh garlic
-1 cup pasta water
-1/3 cup olive oil
-veggies (used onion, asparagus, bell pepper, sun-dried tomatoes)

1. Slice garlic cloves thin
2. Boil pasta
3. Heat olive oil in large pan on medium and add sliced garlic.  Toss gently for 30 sec, and add chili flakes, salt, pepper. Cook for about 30 seconds.
4. Add cooked pasta, pasta water, butter, and lemon
5. Stir gently and bring to gentle boil.  Toss mixture to coat well.
6. Let mixture set for 30 seconds.
7.  Mixed in pesto, any veggies, and chicken


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