Monday, July 6, 2020

Rosemary Gimlet

Pretty good. First round I put in like 3 shots of gin to 1.18 shots of simple syrup. The second round was 4 shots of gin and 2.5 shots of simple syrup (to use it all up), which was too sweet. Would try the below 2:1 ratio next time.
Recipe taken from:

(For 3 servings)
-3 shots of gin
-1.5 shots of rosemary simple syrup (2:1 ratio)
-1 key lime

Rosemary simple syrup:
Put 3 sprigs of rosemary in the hot simple syrup while it cools

1. Shake in shaker with ice
2. Pour in glass
3. Fill glass with ice
4. Put the rosemary sprig on top


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Thai Green Curry

Recipe taken from --I wasn't sure because I messed with the amounts and order of things if it was going to turn out ok...