Sunday, February 18, 2024

Brazilian Cheese Bread

Got recipe from Simply Recipes.
Was really good and easy! Need to add to the party rotation.
There was more than enough batter for my mini muffin tin. So would just messy pour everything in instead of one at a time and pretty.
Dumped the olive oil into the blender, then used the dirty cup to grease pan.
Probably baked for 18 min.
Used the Gruyere cheese from prior recipe.

-1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil, plus more for greasing pan
-2/3 cup milk
-1 1/2 cups (170 g) tapioca flour
-1/2 cup (66 g) packed grated or crumbled cheese, your preference
-1 tsp salt or more to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400 F.  Grease olive oil onto pan.
2. Blend all ingredients into blender and pulse until smooth
3. Pour batter into muffin tin. Leave 1/8 inch from the top.
4. Bake for 15-20 min until puffy and nicely browned.

Thai Green Curry

Recipe taken from --I wasn't sure because I messed with the amounts and order of things if it was going to turn out ok...