Sunday, November 24, 2019

Garlic hummus

Taken from Food for Fought

-1 large head of garlic (I used 1.5 heads)
-3 TBSP olive oil
-1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
-3 TBSP fresh lemon juice
-1/3 cup tahini
-3 TBSP water - I used a lot more to thin it out
-1 tsp ground cumin
-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper - had some good kick
-pinch of sea salt

1. Pre-heat oven at 400 degrees Cut head of garlic and drizzle with olive oil.  Wrap in aluminum foil and heat for 40-45 min.
2. Add rest of ingredients to food processor + add cooled garlic
3. Add more water for consistency
4. Serve with more olive oil and dash of paprika

Michael Paul's recipe - that I didn't use, but want to use next time
-1 can of chickpeas
-100 mg of tahini sauce
-3 lemons - 100 mL
-1.5 garlic heads
-2-4 TBSP olive oil
-1-2 TBSP apple vinegar
-1/2 tsp cumin
-30 mL hamod al hosrom
-Add chickpea water to make mixture smooth


Thai Green Curry

Recipe taken from --I wasn't sure because I messed with the amounts and order of things if it was going to turn out ok...